Friday, June 29, 2007

Virginia Woolf

I had to read Virginia Woolf’s work The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection several times before most of it made any sense at all to me. Though I did find it a bit difficult, I really enjoyed reading the work because of the way that each line really builds upon the previous even though they sometimes appear to have nothing to do with one another. At first I did not quite understand the first line “People should not leave looking-glasses hanging in their rooms any more than they should leave open cheque books or letters confessing some hideous crime” because it the comparison seems almost irrelevant. However, after I read the line again and thought about it for a while I began to think of it as meaning that having to face yourself everyday, for some people can be as detrimental as leaving evidence of a murder for someone to stumble upon.

For some, the life that they live is not what they truly want and they know that, therefore it can be difficult for them to look at their own reflection and what they have become. Though I may be getting off topic from the reading, the first line sparked all kinds of thoughts in my head and I started to think about how hard it is to look at yourself in the mirror and be pleased with what you see when you know that you have done something wrong. Though the topics that one could find within Woolf’s poem are very interesting, I was really taken back by the way that one line of this work could make me feel and just how much that one line could make me rethink a simple mirror, or rather the reflection that is shown in that mirror.


Jonathan.Glance said...


Congratulations on having completed your 20th post for your blog.

This one presents a good effort to understand a difficult text (though it is not a poem).

Krista Sitten said...


Great Job! The text is confusing but I really like what you said about the first line. Aren't you glad to be done with your blogs. I enjoyed your posting.

Mignon Clark said...

Virginia Woolf was one of my favorites. I really enjoyed “The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection. “People should not leave looking-glasses hanging in their rooms any more than they should leave open cheque books or letters confessing some hideous crime” I interpreted this as meaning some people can live a fake life. You know you have your pretenders and you have the ones that keep it real with you no matter what. Just because Jane Doe drives a Mercedes and lives in a million dollar house does not mean that she is keeping it real. She could be the pretender so if she left her check book open or letters out that she wrote; you would find out that she is actually a pretender. That is the way I interpreted the quote.

You may think that I am crazy, but sometimes I have to look at the reflection in the mirror to evaluate myself. I sometimes talk to the reflection in the mirror. Sometimes it helps other times I tell myself that I am crazy!

Antoine Mincy said...

Ay first let me the picture is hilarious. Now let then say thank you for letting me at least some sort of comparision for that first line. The rest of the poem was ok for me but that first one did throw me for a loop. good post.