Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dorothy Wordsworth

After reading the works of Dorothy Wordsworth several times each, I actually found the most depth in the short poem When Shall I Tread Your Garden Path?. I enjoyed this poem because even though it is quite short, it seems to be so meaningful to me. The way that Dorothy Wordsworth describes the activities that she wants to do makes them seem so wonderful even though they are simple things like walking up a hill.

I really enjoyed the image that she painted with her words in the beginning of the second stanza in which she states:

A prisoner on my pillowed couch
Five years in feebleness I’ve lain,
Oh! Shall I e’er with vigorous step
Travel the hills again?

I enjoyed the first line of this stanza most of all because Wordsworth makes the simple image of the couch and so elegantly makes me see someone who is confined to this object like a person held in a prison. I like the way that she speaks of these normal, everyday activities and common images in such a way that it makes each thing so much more than what one commonly thinks of it as and that is why I enjoyed this short poem so much.


keeholl said...

I think that we all can relate to this passage in one way or another.I like your understanding of this poem and we are either guilty of being imprisioned by something and really didn't realize that we were imprisioned.

Jonathan.Glance said...


You seem to be off to a good start in your discussion of this poem, and you quote an appropriate passages for analysis. I would like to see you go into more depth in that analysis, though.

Candice Logan said...

I really enjoyed Dorothy Wordsworth's work. I like the way you pointed out which lines you like most. Good discussion points